This is a quick guide on understanding what will bless you the most when it comes to hiring your contractor. Every contractor works with some variety of the time/cost/quality triangle. You can pick one attribute, with possibly a strong emphasis on another.
Some contractors focus on speed. Some customers may need this to complete a list of promised repairs for a sale, or if they are flipping a house, or based on emergency needs. With a speedy contractor, you are typically either loosing quality standards, or you are being charged more for becoming a contractor’s priority client.
Some contractors focus on cost. They are the “best price in town” or “I’ll beat any price” contractors. They are typically the lowest bidder. They have to get large volumes of work to keep up with paying their workers and their bills. They can be quick, or extremely slow, but their craftsmanship and materials are debatable. This is guy you hire, when you can’t afford a good contractor, or are unwilling or unable to save and invest in a quality contractor.
Some contractors focus on quality. Skilled labor and quality materials make for great results and beautiful projects. These contractors are typically not cheap, and they are willing to take their time to do the job right. If you have time and can afford them, they are excellent contractors to hire.
The best contractors are actually good project managers. These contractors can help guide you, the customer, to a good balance of time, cost, and project scope all while maintaining quality. This is how we typically bless our customers the most. We solve your problem, or bring your project to life with all of your needs balanced, while maintaining quality standards.